In a viral TikTok video also trending on Reddit, two anti-mask Donald Trump supporters in Georgia claimed that they didn't have (now get this) the "vibrational frequency to host" COVID-19 and presented this reasoning as to why they didn't wear masks.
You cannot make this stuff up.
The video, posted by TikTok reporters @thegoodliars, has around 9.4 million views and shows two women interviewed at a Trump rally in Georgia.
The caption reads: "These Trump supporters have it all figured out."
"We don't have the vibrational frequency to host that virus," says one of the Trump supporters.
The other one, the proud scholar, says, "And I taught her that."
Her student continues, gyrating her hands: "So if you don't have that vibrational frequency right here, you're not gonna get it."
"We don't have the vibrational frequency to get COVID?" the reporter asks, to reiterate.
These people answer that question with a question, positing a janky version of complex sciences to combat the science they don't believe in: "Do you know that everything in this universe vibrates and as is alive? There is life with that. That's what I'm talking about."
The scholar adds, "I don't put life into COVID. I'm not going to wear a mask. I never wear a mask. Ever."
The women suggesting that things have "vibrational frequencies" wasn't technically wrong. Still, they appear to be using ideas they don't fully comprehend, using dollar store magic to cover the real danger lurking.
"'Do you know that everything in the universe vibrates?' Wait, guys I think she's on to something! She's talking about String Theory!" joked Redditor u/AnUglyDumpling.
"It kind of seems like she heard some sort of layman's explanation of molecular vibration, and because she didn't understand it, she applied some kind of magical explanation to the concept," commented u/Nezikchened.
u/Tankerhead1 wrote: "She is basically explaining the Force." As in the Force, from Star Wars.
Those Trump-supporting scientists better hope their frequencies repel COVID because Georgia's total cases have risen, like the rest of the world.
According to, Trump's COVID task force recently reported 79% of Georgia counties now have moderate or high virus transmission rates, up from 70% a week ago."
11 Alive reports, as of Dec. 8, that "over the last 14 days, the average daily increase in newly confirmed cases was 3,123 new cases a day. Over the previous 14-day period, the average daily increase in newly confirmed cases was 2,328."
The post Trump supporters say they don’t have the ‘vibrational frequency’ to get COVID-19 in viral TikTok appeared first on The Daily Dot.