A pregnant person said that she was forced to stand and walk around for nine hours per day at work even though she had a high-risk pregnancy and asked for a stool to sit on. She says the work caused her to suffer a miscarriage.
Skye (@insanely.skye on TikTok) shared her situation on Saturday in a TikTok video with over 206,000 views. She says that her gynecologist contacted her employer and said that she needed a stool to sit on during work.
"They said 'no' so I hide in the stock room when they don't know," Skye wrote in the video's overlay text. "I'm in so much pain from not getting accommodations cuz 'then everyone will want to sit.'"
The TikToker posted multiple updates on the situation after commenters on her original video suggested that she sue her employer. It wasn't immediately clear where Skye works.
"I'm stuck at a job that I hate that won't give me accommodations that makes me sick trying to save money for my baby," the TikToker wrote in the overlay text of another video.
Skye also said that one of her co-workers who is also pregnant is receiving accommodations; that she is working on getting a new job; she's unable to afford a lawyer in order to take legal action against her employer; that her manager has threatened to fire her when they have seen her sitting down; and that she has filed a complaint with her company.
In an update posted on Monday, Skye announced that at an ultrasound appointment, she found out that her baby's "heart stopped beating" and that she may need surgery to remove the baby's body.
"I blame my job. I blame the lack of physical accommodations. I blame the stress and the physical labor," Skye wrote in overlay text that is shown on the video of her weeping. "I just can't take it anymore I loved them so much I can't keep [losing babies]." (The TikToker has also posted about other miscarriages she says she's had.)
Commenters on Skye's most recent video about mourning the loss of her baby gave her advice on how to get justice for what happened to her.
"Ask corporate HR for [bereavement] pay; your loss should 'qualify' and [then] you'd get a few paid days off," @spinachaddact commented.
"Most discrimination lawyers will work to get paid after settlement," @dommekmoney wrote. "Please hire a discrimination lawyer this is so wrong in sooo many ways I'm so sorry."
"You didn’t do anything wrong. It wasn’t your fault," @oliviathebitch1. "Sue your job and tell us the location so reviews can be left."
The Daily Dot reached out to Skye via TikTok comment.
The post ‘This is so wrong in sooo many ways’: Worker says job didn’t make accommodations for her pregnancy—and she lost her baby appeared first on The Daily Dot.