A TikToker claims she didn't get hired for a job because of her voicemail greeting.
Zanaya Jones (@zanayajones8) regularly posts funny videos to her TikTok account, which has over 7,000 followers. Captioned "The time I didn't get hired because of my voicemail," the TikTok features her potential employer's voicemail to her.
"Yes, Miss Jones, I recommend if you apply for a job and you expect somebody to call you that you have a more appropriate response on your voicemail," the prospective employer says. "So thank you for applying, and no need to give us a call back."
It's unclear if the employer initially called the TikToker to offer her a job and then changed his mind after hearing the voice recording greeting.
The video got over 12.9 million views since being posted five days ago, with many viewers urging her to share her greeting.
Jones obliged and posted the offending recording in question a day later, and that video got over 5.2 million views in just four days.
"Wassup, wassup, wassup," Jones says in the voicemail.
"It's your girl Zanaya... I'm sorry I couldn't answer the phone. Please leave your name and number, and you know all that," Jones continues.
While it's a little unclear to the ear, there is no vulgar language as some viewers initially assumed after hearing the prospective employer's reaction to it.
While some viewers called her voicemail greeting childish, they said "it shouldn’t have stopped [the TikToker] from getting a job."
"Are you serious? He's acting as if you're using a bunch of foul words, it's literally your personality," @laniquetreasury said.
"That's your PERSONAL phone. Not everybody has a cell and a work phone," @my_sunandstars said.
"Have worked in HR 10+ years. I would have laughed and proceeded with an interview. Ppl have personalities and aren't robots!," a third, @keepitklassy_kei, wrote.
Many told the TikToker that she seemingly dodged a bullet.
"It’s nothing wrong with your voice mail? Lmao it’s a good thing you didn’t get the job they sound picky," one wrote.
"You dodged a bullet. That guy has 0 personality," another said.
The Daily Dot reached out to Jones for comment.
The post ‘You dodged a bullet. That guy has 0 personality’: TikToker says she didn’t get job because of her voicemail greeting, sparking debate appeared first on The Daily Dot.