A TikToker shamed a mother for leaving her toddler in a stroller outside while she ordered food inside a establishment, sparking a debate on the platform.
Kate Graham's (@katecihi) TikTok features a mother inside the establishment while a toddler-aged is in a stroller outside. The text layover narrates, "You ever wanna snatch someone's kid to teach them a lesson?!."
Another text layover reads, "She straight up left her baby outside in Los Angeles." The video zooms from the toddler in a stroller outside the store to the mother and her other child ordering inside.
It's received over 4.3 million views and 590,600 likes in less than a week.
The nine-second video sparked a huge debate in the comments section regarding parent-shaming and potential cultural differences.
Some viewers commented that this practice may be common in other countries with lower crime rates. According to NPR, Danish parents frequently leave young children unattended while shopping, and in Japan, children as young as 4years old ride the subway by themselves.
"This is actually super common in some towns/other countries. Not making excuses just pointing out that maybe she didn't know," @saucy.pineapple said.
"It's really common in a lot of places to leave your baby outside, AND instead of helping/taking the baby out of danger (they) just recorded it," @can_it.nic wrote.
Others said that even if the woman is not from Los Angeles or the U.S., that's still not a good excuse and that she should have done her research on how to keep her baby safe.
"Okay she's not from the U.S. but she's in the U.S. where they kidnap children," @clawedbykat said.
"I'd keep my baby at the hip if I was in a new country and I didn't know how safe it was," @bellefire39 said.
@katecihi buckled down in a follow-up video posted on Wednesday. In the follow-up, she states the mother brought her baby back inside when she overheard Graham talking about her.
"To me it didn't seem like she was from another country, I didn't know if she didn't know what she was doing. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter," Graham says.
The Daily Dot reached out to Graham for comment via TikTok direct message.
The post ‘You ever wanna snatch someone’s kid to teach them a lesson’: TikToker shames mom for leaving kid outside while she orders in viral video, sparking debate appeared first on The Daily Dot.